Nov 23
In Memory of George Laight
Nov 06
BEAST Trail Work Days, Saturdays Nov 21, 28, and Dec 5
Help us get the BEAST trails ready with signage and picketing for the 2021 Season!
BEAST has organized workdays that provide an opportunity to pitch in and help us get trails ready for the season. Often, we hear from people that they want to help but family commitments or their work prevent them from participating. We are offering three different choices again this season, but don’t let your unavailability on those specific dates stop you from volunteering to help. We do have some volunteers that work on the trails during the regular work week, which may be better suited for shift workers or people who have more time during the week than on the weekend.
Many hands make light work, so why not give our team a hand? We all seem to be able to make time in our plans to snow-mobile on the weekends after the trail work is done and ready to ride. We would appreciate it if similar planning could be considered to pitch in and help rather than leave it all to the few die-hard volunteers. I can assure you that you will learn a lot about the sport that you may not have known and you will have a lot of laughs with a great bunch of people.
Having assets like a chainsaw, an ATV or power tools are all great things but not absolutely necessary to have. All that is needed is to show up, and we will figure out a task for you.
Workdays usually start around 9 am with people meeting at a designated location a few minutes early so we can organize work groups. There are the usual meeting places to choose from, so pick the one closest to you and come on out!
Workdays usually start around 9 am with people meeting at a designated location a few minutes early so we can organize work groups. Pick the closest meeting place to you and come on out!
Remember that given COVID-19, we will all have to follow public health guidelines, such as frequent hand washing or sanitizing, social distancing, and wearing masks where appropriate. Also sanitizing of equipment and not sharing or handling the same equipment.
Note: Due to changing protocols for meeting and gathering during this COVID-19 pandemic, all dates and times could be changed, modified, or cancelled at any time. Please consult the website and our Facebook page for up to date information.
South West: (New location) 2021 9th Line Beckwith,
Carleton Place Ian Myatt, 613-207-0708,
North West: 1465 Wolfe Grove Rd, Almonte
Audy Bedard, 613-256-2973,
South East: Call or email for location
Shaun Cunningham, 613-227-9445,
North East: Call or email for location
Blaine Johnson, 613-868-2164,
Oct 30
BEAST Newsletter Fall 2020
The BEAST Newsletter Fall 2020 is now available, click on the following link.
Oct 23
UCSR and City of Ottawa Reach Agreement for Use of City Land for Snowmobile Trails
Oct 16
BEAST 308 Project Fall 2020
Project 308
Earlier this summer the BEAST applied for OFSC TDF funding to refurbish a large portion of the 308 trail. If you are not aware where this is it is the connecting trail from 3 Mile Bay on White Lake to Clayton. The total distance of the trail is approximately 24km’s of the nastiest, stone infested, swamp straddling, beaver pond traversing, stumpy Canadian Shield Trail this side of Sudbury. No offence Sudbury. The extent of the work begins at Marshall Lake Road to the North to the start of “The Rocky Mile” approximately 15 km’s. The work on the trail began In early September with some grass cutting and brushing done by volunteers. After getting the green light from OFSC and our district the excavation work began on September 11th and finished up about Oct. 1st. The Contractor, Mike Truelove of Drummond Township, completed the work on time and on budget.
We would be remiss if we didn’t mention a volunteer who spent many days working on and organizing work parties on this trail. Grant Penstone, a groomer operator, spent hours with the contractor and other volunteers clearing brush and cutting trees. All in all there would be more than 500 combined volunteer hours completed. One volunteer who was working on the second work Saturday commented that this trail is “gergis”. That is Grantspeak for great. The BEAST feels that these improvements will make that trail a must use this winter.
Many thanks must go to the landowners who allow us to use their land for our trail. There are a number of them all who completely supported the project and are grateful for the improvements made. It is definitely a winwin for all concerned.
Attached to this memo you will see a variety of pictures with captions describing the work. The pictures do not do it justice. The work performed is amazing.
As mentioned before the work performed is on private property. Access to this winter trail is by land use permission between the individual landowners and the OFSC. This is private property so access is only at the discretion of the landowners.
Oct 11
BEAST Trail Work Day Sat Oct 17, 2020
I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving weekend amid the latest Covid-19 restrictions. As you may or may not know the BEAST snowmobile club is working with Beckwith Township to extend the 4th line of Beckwith road allowance from Hwy 15, at the lights in Franktown, to the OVRT. This addition will help us in many ways. It will allow us to groom earlier because the trail will be clean of stumps and stones and also high and dry. The previous route (305) was through private property and it had two water courses that needed time to freeze up before grooming activities could proceed.
This new route is spectacular this time of year. The trail is cut through a maple bush and the colours this year are somewhat overwhelming. We think you will be impressed.
Anyways, the reason for this notice is to ask for your help with our final push to finish the work required with our agreement with Beckwith Township. All the chainsaw and equipment work is complete but we need to cleanup the brush that is leftover. We have arranged for the use of 2 wood chippers for Saturday October 17th. That is next weekend. What we need from you is manual effort to feed the chippers.
We will be attacking the work from both ends of the trail. If you are arriving by ATV you can access the work area at the OVRT. If you are accessing by car/truck you can access the work area at Hwy 15 at the traffic lights at Franktown. The gravel road west of the lights dead ends at the trail.
What you will need to bring, PPE such as safety glasses, ear protection, layered sturdy clothing, warm and durable boots and work gloves. Perhaps some water and snacks.
There will be food arranged at some point mid day compliments of the BEAST.
START TIME: 8:30 a.m.
If you can contribute some time for this please reply to with the name(s) of people you will be bringing and how you will be arriving. ATV or vehicle.
Hoping to see many volunteers out to finish the work. Ciao for now.
Ian Edwards, BEAST President