19 Jan 2020 – BEAST Trails Update

19 Jan 2022 – BEAST Trails Update
Good evening,
A few of the BEAST trails have been changed to Yellow Status – Limited Availability, on the OFSC ITG. Please take it easy, as with the abundance of snow the trails are not fully packed yet so the base will be loose.
Please stay off any trails still marked Red as they have not been inspected and cleared for use. Riding on closed trails or off-trail riding is not acceptable, and can cause trails to be closed.
Always follow the OFSC ITG at ofsc.evtrails.com to see when we have more trails open, and wait for the trails to be yellow or green before heading out. Some trails may open sooner in a staged approach as we can. We will also announce any changes. on thebeast.ca and BEAST Facebook page.
You may also contact volunteers@thebeast.ca if you would like to help inspect/pack any of the trails.
Contact info@thebeast if you have any questions.

18 Jan 2022 – BEAST Trails Update

Good morning,

With the recent snowfall we are working to open trails as soon as possible. This can take a couple of days as trails need volunteers inspection for possible new fallen trees, and groomers need to pack and groom. It takes some time with close to 400km of trails.
Always follow the OFSC ITG at ofsc.evtrails.com to see when we have trails open. Please check out the ITG and wait for the trails to be yellow or green before heading out. Some trails may open sooner in a staged approach as we can. We will also announce any changes. on thebeast.ca and BEAST Facebook page.
You may also contact volunteers@thebeast.ca if you would like to help inspect/pack any of the trails. Contact info@thebeast.ca if you have any questions.

BEAST News Update 4 Jan 2022

Please click on the following link for the lastest news update.


The BEAST will host a general club meeting on Thursday Jan 6 at 7:30pm. This will be a on-line Zoom meeting only, due to COVID-19, and the recent provincial health restrictions on indoor gathering sizes.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please email info@thebeast.ca and the Zoom Meeting details will be forwarded to you.

If you wish to see the agenda’s and minutes of the previous meetings,  please email info@thebeast.ca and a copy will be forwarded to you.

BEAST News Update 29 Nov, 2021

Click the following link to see latest update.

BEAST News Update 29 Nov, 2021

BEAST Workdays

REMINDER, we still have two BEAST Work Days coming up on Saturday Nov 27, and Saturday Dec 4 to get the trails ready with brushing and signing. Many hands make light work. We can always use more help. Come and help if you can! Work may be happening during the week as well if that is better for you. Contact email info@thebeast.ca or one of the contacts below.
Workdays start around 9 am with people meeting at a designated location a few minutes early so we can organize work groups. There are the usual meeting places to choose from, so pick the one closest to you and come on out! High School students can gain volunteer hours credit.
· South West: 2021 9th Line Beckwith, Carleton Place
Brent Phifer, 613-222-9506, brentphifer@yahoo.ca
· North West: 1465 Wolfe Grove Rd, Almonte
Mario Tremblay, 613-880-6400,
· South East: Richmond area, Call or email for location
Shaun Cunningham, 613-227-9445, cpl1@bell.net
· North East: Stittsville area, Call or email for location
Jason McKay, 613-227-9522, NEDirector@thebeast.ca

BEAST Fall 2021 Newsletter Released

Click the following link to view the BEAST Fall 2021 Newsletter


BEAST Trail 306 Improvements


Improvements on BEAST Trail 306 at Clayton Rd took place recently with signage and brushing along the roadside trail at Ramsay Concession 3C, as well as a new, but very small section of trail added at Ramsay Concession 4C.
Those familiar with the trail may recall a hydro pole in the middle of the travelled portion of the trail at Con. 4C. This used to be less of an issue for the BR180 groomer, however the larger Prinoth Husky with it’s cab protection and large mirrors could not easily fit through, leaving a section of that ditch unmaintained.
With landowner approval and direction of where to enter and exit the property, the team of Mario Tremblay, Ron Percy, Todd Russell, Cam Watters, Corbin Ferguson, Chris Angel, and Grant Penstone cut brush, trees and fencing to add this new section. This will also eliminate the awkward turn at Con. 4C and Clayton Rd and greatly improve safety. Two large loads of brush had to be removed from site and brought to the municipal landfill, new signage installed and lots of garbage cleaned up at both areas.
Concerns were voiced by a few homes along that roadside trail about snowmobiles not obeying stop signs, and excessive speed at their laneways. There are very few stops along this route, please respect them!
This trail will need to be along this road for the foreseeable future so please respect the wishes of the homeowners along roadside trails. If there is a stop sign, it’s for a reason …. sometimes it’s because the laneway has an upward slope to the roadway, or limited sight lines due to high snowbanks or vegetation/brush, or because the homeowner is fearful for their safety.
Stop signs are there for everyone’s safety. As we often share the same space, we need to do our best to respect the wishes of others.

BEAST Northwest Sector News

BEAST Northwest Sector News:
A generous donation of marking tape and rope has been made to us by Bradley-Kelly Electric Construction LTD. Thank you!
The rope is needed to cordon off a section of field trail that always has winter seeding planted and always has trespassing issues. The club has been asked to install a rope alongside approximately 3000’ of fence line to keep sleds from straying off trail.
While this is no small task, it is certainly made better by the contribution from Bradley-Kelly! www.bradleykelly.ca

It’s That Time Again….Permits Available Online Now!

Get your permits and/or gift cards! Please support the BEAST as your club. Go online to OFSC website permits.ofsc.on.ca
Seasonal Permit
Purchased prior to November 2, 2021: $195
Purchased November 2, 2021 to December 1, 2021: $225
December 2, 2021 onwards: $275.
Classic Permit
Purchased prior to November 2, 2021: $155
Purchased November 2, 2021 to December 1, 2021: $155
December 2, 2021 onwards: $185

BEAST News Update – Sept 25, 2021

See the following link for our latest emailed BEAST News Update.
